Download now your 

190+ Items

"MP4PM Project Management"

 POWER ToolKit 

to Boost Your efficiency:

MP4PM PM Power ToolKit Fre Version

Why You Should Get This Tool Kit

As a project management professional, you have to adopt quickly and flexibly to new situations and challenges in the current business environment.

For this, you need the broadest possible skillset and a toolkit that supports YOUR skill set in the best possible way.

Our collection of 
templates and artifacts has been developed precisely for this purpose and enables you to

create very effectively, quickly, and efficiently the artifacts required

depending on the project situation.

ToolKit Highlights

Boost your efficiency!

All items are ready to use out of the box! Do not longer waste time in creating and designing slides on your own ... 

Fully editable and customizable!

You need to change colors? No problem! You need to add something? No problem! All items are fully editable without any constraints!

Most needed items covered!

Project Charter? Scope Definition? Change Request? Communication Plan? ... all included! Andy many more ... as you can see right down below ... 

Be the PM Champion in your Organization!

Create professional looking, high value and "on-the-point" PM Artifacts within seconds and impress your stakeholders! 

Get instant access to our FREE MP4PM POWER ToolKit now!

You are just a few clicks away from your new Power PM ToolKit. Click on the button below and on the next page you just need to enter your Name and a valid email adress. After doing so you will be forwarded to the download page ...

Here is an overview of what you will get:

These are just a few examples of what you can expect by downloading your
 In addition your package does include many variations of the different types and items for all Project Management Areas like Scope, Stakeholder, Communication and so on ... 

What our customers are saying:

" ...great source of help, inspiration and information ..."

"Markus’ innovative MP4PM Project Management Power Pack is a great source of help, inspiration and information to anyone practicing Project Management. Markus is like a personal trainer, always on hand to help out, guide and motivate you towards your goal."

Shailesh Karnik   //  PMP

" ... strongly recommended ..."

"The ongoing support of Markus Kopko has helped me keep the motivation high. I really appreciate this MP4PM Power Package and strongly recommend it to anyone who is practicing Project Management. I won't miss that tools anymore in my day job ... " 

Mª. Eugenia Labajos Fernández  //  PMP

You want even more Tools, more Templates ... more Value? ...

Go Professional ... our "MP4PM PROFESSIONAL Power Pack" provides even more Items (400+) and is fully aligned to the current PMBoK Guide Edition ... 


- Item Category Overview - 

If you click on the toggle section down below, you will get an Overview by Examples of all the included Item Categories. You may skim through here. Please note, that these are still is only a part of the included items while all included categories are dsiplayed. But you will have additional variations and itmes in each of that categories:

CLICK HERE to see all Category Examples in an Overview

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Markus Kopko  //  Creator of the MP4PM Power Packs and founder of and www.mp4pm.clubr


My name is Markus; it is great to meet you!

You may ask yourself, who is that guy, and why should I use his resources?

I would ask myself the same as a visitor of this site. So here is some information about me and the intention of bringing this online.

I have more than 20 years of project/management and leadership experience. I have proven the success of project management in IT services and outsourcing in many different branches like Telecommunication, Healthcare, Infrastructure, Automotive, and many more ...

One of my main goals and motivations is implementing the PMI project management philosophy and a PMI-based project management methodology in my daily work. I created and the MP4PM Power Packages to pass on and share this enthusiasm.

As a project manager and PMO expert in the IT services and outsourcing business, the skills I have acquired have led to a passion for PMI's project management philosophy. I received my PMP certification in August 2015, and I am also an officially accredited PMP Trainer by PMI.

The driving force behind the development of the website and the MP4PM PM Power Packages is to share that sources and knowledge which allow everyone to apply the processes and principles of the PMBoK Guide in their daily work and even in their lives!

Markus Kopko, PMP

Join Over 3,000 Happy Users

I am honestly very impressed."

" ... That's pretty much how I imagined it to be. If only there had been something like this at the beginning of my career... The maps with the structure, the templates and the links. That's exactly what you need when you start leading projects after being sent to an introductory course and reading one or two books on the subject yourself.

And then the opportunity to exchange ideas on the platform in order to fill the whole thing with experience and make your project come to life..."

Note by the Creator: This testimonial refers primarly to the MP4PM Website at

Julia Stone  //  Head of Quality Engineering

“Finally something useful for practice! This should also be the case for many other areas like Business Analysis ... !"

“Markus, first of all mega-respect for what you have built. I still have the impression of learning for the PMP exam and the corresponding material in my bones, so your product is really great because it makes it much easier to put theory into practice. The whole layout of the page is elaborate and of high quality. ...".

Note by the Creator: This testimonial refers primarly to the MP4PM Website at

Peter Dawson  //  IT Project Manager & Business Analyst

The Best Time to become faster, more effective and professional is Now!

Frequently Asked Questions

Is this really free?

Yes! No hidden cost; no constraints in usage. You just need to fill out the registration form on the next page and then you will get your download.

Why do you need my Name and Email adress?

Well, first of all I like to know who I am working together. And so I can inform you about the regular updates of my MP4PM Packages. Your data is safe and will not be processed further to other parties. And you can unregister from the list at any time later.

How can I get this FREE MP4PM Package?

Just click at one of the buttons above and you will be directed to the next page; there you just need to fill out a very short register form and after successfull registration you will be directed immediately to the download page. 

I like this package! Do you offer more stuff like this?

Absolutely! You can already go for my PROFESSIONAL Version of this MP4PM PM Power Package with more than 400 Items included. 

And in near future there will be more such MP4PM Packages available like "KickOff"; "Business Case"; "Project Charter" and many more. After you have registered for our free (or one of the paid) package(s) you will be on the mailing list and get automaticly infomred about any updates or new packages.

Is your content aligned to PMIs PMBoK Guide?

Yes, it is! Our goal is - and we working hard on that - to cover all the "Models; Methods & Artifacts" mentioned in the PMBoK Guide ... and beyond. We will not stop there. 

Since even the list in the PMBoK Guide is not comprehensive and just examples, we will build a HUGE Library of available Models, Methods and Artifacts ... stay tuned. 

© 2025,
