There are some topics everyone gets wrong on the PMP® exam. Being able to answer tricky questions can mean the difference between a pass and a fail.
Using data from thousands of mock PMP exams and insights from experienced classroom trainers, this book will show you the project management concepts that most students struggle to grasp.
However, there is a way to prepare confidently for the test so you can breeze through even the hardest questions, and renowned PMP exam prep expert Cornelius Fichtner, PMP, can show you how.
This step-by-step guide to the trickiest concepts on the test teaches:
- How to answer the different PMP question types
- How to tackle the 10 most challenging exam topics
- How to use a proven three-step approach for studying with sample questions
- How to cope with vague and confusing questions on exam day
Using 50 PMP exam sample questions, Cornelius explains the most difficult project management concepts you’ll encounter on the test. Learn the ‘why’ behind each question with real stories, examples, and detailed explanations. Test yourself as you read along!
Cornelius Fichtner, PMP, CSM, is one of the world’s leading experts in PMP exam prep, having helped thousands of students successfully gain their certification through his no-nonsense teaching style. He will guide you through these 50 extra-hard questions and their detailed explanations so nothing will faze you on test day.
Don’t study harder: study smarter!
Click on the book cover below to grab your copy now:
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If you are looking for a good PMp Exam preparation book, please find our recommendations here (in no particular order!):
PMP Exam Prep - 10th Edition (Rita's)
von Rita Mulcahy
PMP Project Management Professional Exam Study Guide: 2021 Exam Update
von Kim Heldman (Autor)
The PMP Exam: How To Pass On Your First Try: How to Pass on Your First Try: 6th Edition + Agile
von Andy Crowe
Achieve PMP Exam Success, 6th Edition: A Concise Study Guide for the Busy Project Manager, Updated January 2021
von Diane White
PMP Exam Prep Simplified: Covers the Current PMP Exam and Includes a 35 Hours of Project Management E-Learning Course
von Andrew Ramdayal
This are the two types of books you do need for the PMP Exam preparation. But there are some more artifacts you should utilize.
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Read on to learn which seven essential things you need in your PMP Exam preparation process:
1. PMP® Credential Handbook
The PMP® Credential Handbook should be the first stop for anyone who consider becoming a PMP.
Including everything from an overview of the PMI® certification program to exam policies and procedures, the PMP® Credential Handbook is available for free online.
The first 20 pages of the handbook cover many exam basics and are a must-read for every potential examinee. Becoming familiar with the application process, payment policy, and examination administration rules will go a long way to making the actual exam day less stressful.
"The PMP® Credential Handbook should be the first stop for anyone who intends to become a PMP."
2. Time
Most of us are probably already full-time project managers or are currently pursuing another profession. The time spent on the job and other obligations is usually rather short anyway.
This time must be used sensibly, because the material on the PMP® Exam is vast and detailed. This is not an examination you can “cram” for in a couple of weekends. Plan to take the exam after spending at least 10-12 weeks of studying for an hour or two nearly every day.
Naturally, this schedule will have to be flexible enough to fit in with the rest of your responsibilities and commitments.
3. A Study Plan And Schedule
The topic before leads directly to this one here: As project managers, we are well aware of the importance of a plan and schedule.
Create a study schedule over 10-12 weeks that fits with the rest of your responsibilities. Depending on your job and household commitments, you may need more or less time.
Take a practice exam to evaluate your weaknesses and consider spending more time on those areas. Be realistic in how much material you can cover each day and set weekly goals to track your progress. Don’t forget to include time for refreshing breaks and activities that you enjoy.
If you need inspiration or just do not want to create a study plan on your own, you may use our ready-to-use "PMP prepartion guidance programm". This works like your very own "Out-of-the-box-study-plan" but is fully flexibel and customizable to your personal needs.
Please have a look here; it is totally FREE (headover by clicking on the Image below:
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4. The "PMP Exam Content Outline (PMPECO)" and "A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK® Guide)"

Most people are thinking that the PMP®
Exam is based on the most current version of the PMBOK® Guide (currently 6th Edition). That is NOT true!
The PMP Exam is based on the "PMP Exam Content Outline (PMPECO)". While the content of the PMBOK® Guide with its Knowledge Areas including communication, cost management, human resources, integration, procurement, quality, risk, scope, and time management is foundational as a learning source, the PMPECO with its Domains and Tasks is the guideline for what will be tested in the PMP Exam.
So, you need both of them anyway and it is essential to understand each of the topics individually and how they work together for overall project management success.
If you like to learn more about the PMBOK® Guide, how it is structured and its content, you should head over to this article here: ✪ PMBOK® Guide 6th Ed. Knowledge Areas, Process Groups and Processes ✪
The current "PMP Exam Content Outline" can be downloaded here:
"The PMP® Exam is based on the current Exam Content Outline
5. A prep Course
It bears repeating: The PMP® Exam covers a large amount of material in a relatively short period of time. Don’t be discouraged!
✪ How to Ace Your PMP® Exam? - With The World’s Most Popular PMP® Training Course! - the NEW PMPrepCast - aligned to the 2021 PMP Exam! ✪
We are excited to announce that The PM PrepCast has been fully updated for the 2021 PMP® Exam! It now includes Agile and Hybrid concepts to prepare students for the exam (these subjects now make up 50% of the exam questions).
6. PMP® Exam Prep Book
There are a wide variety of PMP® Exam prep books available. Some people call them “study guides”.
They complement and explain the dry concepts from the PMBOK® Guide and having one at hand in your studies is an absolute must. Go to your favorite bookstore and select one that fits with your style of learning and covers a variety of high- and low-yield topics.
We do provide detailed Reviews for most of the books within our "Project Managers PMP Exam Prep Guidance" program, we mentioned in Topic 3 above!
Or you may have a look at our artcile
✪ The 12 Most Popular PMP Study Materials for your PMP Exam Preparation ✪
Within that article we give you an overview about the most popular PMP Exam prep books out there (with recommendations).
PMP Exam Prep - 10th Edition (Rita's)
von Rita Mulcahy
PMP Project Management Professional Exam Study Guide: 2021 Exam Update
von Kim Heldman (Autor)
The PMP Exam: How To Pass On Your First Try: How to Pass on Your First Try: 6th Edition + Agile
von Andy Crowe
Achieve PMP Exam Success, 6th Edition: A Concise Study Guide for the Busy Project Manager, Updated January 2021
von Diane White
PMP Exam Prep Simplified: Covers the Current PMP Exam and Includes a 35 Hours of Project Management E-Learning Course
von Andrew Ramdayal
7. Practice! Practice! Practice!
A large number of free PMP® Exam sample questions are available from hundreds of resources on the internet.
These free mock exams are a good start, but because they are free they will only go so far for you. You will also want to subscribe to an online PMP® Exam Simulator to have access to the highest possible quality of samples.
Your study plan must include answering as many practice questions as possible including at least three to four complete 200-question practice exams.
This type of preparation will help gauge your study progress and prepare you for the format of the real thing. You will be nervous on exam day, but becoming intimately familiar with types and formats of questions will help reduce anxiety and prepare you for success.
To sum up, there are a few simple things you can do to ensure you are prepared for the PMP® Exam.
Including these 7 items in your studies will reduce anxiety and eliminate stress associated with the exam day.
Study hard and good luck!
If you like, please let us a comment here down below. We would be really exited to hear from you how you find this article.
All the best to your preparations and until next time,
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