July 8


General Information

PMI Agile Certified Practitioner

If you’re experienced using agile approaches, have good collaboration skills, eagerly embrace complexity and thrive on rapid response times, then your talents are in demand.

The PMI Agile Certified Practitioner (PMI-ACP)® formally recognizes your knowledge of agile principles and your skill with agile techniques. It will make you shine even brighter to your employers, stakeholders, and peers.

The PMI-ACP® is our fastest-growing certification, and it’s no wonder. Organizations that are highly agile and responsive to market dynamics complete more of their projects successfully than their slower-moving counterparts — 75 percent versus 56 percent — as shown in our (Pulse of the Profession® study, PMI, 2015.) .

The PMI-ACP® spans many approaches to agile such as Scrum, Kanban, Lean, extreme programming (XP) and test-driven development (TDD.) So it will increase your versatility, wherever your projects may take you.

Who Should Apply?

If you work on agile teams or if your organization is adopting agile practices, the PMI-ACP® is a good choice for you. Compared with other agile certifications based solely on training and exams, the PMI-ACP® is evidence of your real-world, hands-on experience and skill.


  • 2,000 hours of general project experience working on teams. A current PMP® or PgMP® will satisfy this requirement but is not required to apply for the PMI-ACP®.
  • 1,500 hours working on agile project teams or with agile methodologies. This requirement is in addition to the 2,000 hours of general project experience.
  • 21 contact hours of training in agile practices.

List of Steps

Step 1: Learn about PMI-ACP® Certification and apply

  • ☛ PMI-ACP® Overview
  • ☛  PMI-ACP® Credential Handbook
    The PMI-ACP Handbook gives you all the details of the PMI-ACP Exam process including exam policies and procedures. The first two sections are a must-read for anyone considering PMI-ACP certification. These sections cover the must-know basics such as exam eligibility requirements, how to complete the online application, the payment policy, and the PMI-ACP Exam blueprint. Knowing and understanding this information will go a long way to reducing your exam day stress.
  • ☛  PMI-ACP® Exam Content Outline

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Step 2: Get started with your PMI-ACP® certification preparation.

STEP 2.1: Make a plan!

The material covered by the PMI-ACP Exam is extensive, detailed, and spread throughout many sources of reference material. This is not an examination you can “cram” for in a couple of weekends or simply rely upon your experience and pass. Plan to take the exam after spending 10-12 solid weeks of studying for an hour or two just about every day.  Of course, you will need to develop a schedule that is flexible enough to fit in with the rest of your responsibilities and commitments.

Study Plan and Schedule
Create a study schedule for a 10-12 week period that fits well with the rest of your responsibilities.  Depending on your job and household commitments, you may need to schedule more or less time. Take a practice exam to identify the areas that you need to spend more time focusing on during this 10-12 week period. Make sure your schedule is realistic and set weekly goals to track your progress. Don’t forget you also need to include time in your schedule to take breaks and participate in activities you enjoy

STEP 2.2:  Get a good prep book (at least one) and all the other prep materials that may fit your learning preferences and then work with and through them thoroughly:

The PMI-ACP Exam – unlike the Project Management Professional (PMP)® Exam – does not have a primary publication for examinees to study. Instead, PMI provides a list of reference materials. You can download this list for free at 
☛  PMI-ACP Reference List

A second source is the PMI-ACP Examination Content Outline. This document covers information about the Agile tools and techniques as well as the Agile knowledge and skills that will be covered in the PMI-ACP Exam. I recommend that you ensure that any PMI-ACP courses or books you purchase cover all the items listed in here. 

Working your way through all the Reference books is, of course, a Herculean task.

Save yourself a lot of time and money and invest in the right ACP preparation course that covers all the important topics relevant to the ACP exam.

Our recommendation is the PMI-ACP PrepCast by Cornelius Fichtner & Team:

PMI-ACP Exam Prep Book recommendations:
There is a wide variety of PMI-ACP Exam prep books available, which are also sometimes called “study guides”. They explain the concepts covered in the PMI-ACP Exam and can be a great addition to the reference materials suggested by PMI. Select one that fits with your style of learning and covers a variety of high- and low-yield topics.

Who This Book Is For 

This unique certification prep guide will prepare exam takers to earn PMl's new PMI Agile Certified Practitioner (PMl-ACP) credential. Offering over 400 full-sized pages of exam-related content, exercises, and sample practice questions, this soon-to-be best-seller covers exam topics related to Key Agile Concepts, Value­ Driven Delivery, Stakeholder Engagement, Adaptive Planning, Continuous Improvement, and more!

This is the first book written specifically for the new PMI-ACP exam. It is a single, compact reference that will help the reader prepare for and pass the certification exam. Contents include: Understanding Agile, The PMI-ACP Exam, The Agile Manifesto, Project Justification, Teams & Team Space, Agile Planning, Working with Agile, Coaching with Agile, Agile Methodologies, How to Pass the PMI-ACP Exam, Glossary of Terms, 2 Simulated Exams with Answers.

Countless time and money is spent preparing for the PMI-ACP® exam. So why aren't students laser-focused on taking practice exams before attempting the real thing? Based on the latest PMI-ACP® exam outline, the practice tests in this book are designed to help students adjust to the pace, subject matter, and difficulty of the real PMI Agile Certified Practitioner (PMI-ACP) exam. Geared towards anyone preparing for the exam, all tests include clear solutions to help you understand core concepts. If you plan on passing the PMI-ACP exam, it's time to test your knowledge. It's time for PMI-ACP Exam Prep - Questions, Answers, and Explanations. Now packed with Over 1,000 realistic PMI-ACP sample questions to help you pass the exam on your FIRST try. In this book: 1000+ detailed PMI-ACP exam practice questions including 20 condensed PMI-ACP mock exams that can be completed in one hour or less; 13 targeted Knowledge Area tests; detailed solution sets for all PMI-ACP questions which include clear explanations and wording; cited references; and reasoning based on the latest PMI-ACP exam outline

The PMI-ACP Project Management Institute Agile Certified Practitioner Exam Study Guide is an all-in-one package for comprehensive exam preparation. This up-to-date guide is fully aligned with the latest version of the exam, featuring coverage of 100 percent of the exam domains. Expanded coverage of AGILE includes the basic principles, value-driven delivery, stakeholder engagement, team performance, adaptive planning, problem detection and resolution, and continuous improvement to align with the A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK(r) 6th Edition) and its increased emphasis on agile, adaptive and iterative practices.

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Step 3. Obtain 21 Contact Hours of Agile Education

Self-Study Course
With the great number of material covered by the PMI-ACP Exam, another option is to enroll in a self-study course. The latest generation of self-study comes to you in the form of Agile Podcasts / Videocasts.  These can be downloaded to your smartphone, laptop, tablet, computer, or other portable media device. This makes your PMI-ACP Exam training portable, allowing you to listen or view whenever you have some free time.
Self-study Agile Podcasts cover agile frameworks, tools and techniques, knowledge and skills, and methods required for the exam in everyday English. As an added bonus, taking your lessons in this way can count toward the required 21 contact hours of agile-specific training.

The PMI-ACP ® PrepCast by Cornelius Fichtner :

  • use the online PMI-ACP Exam prep course which is excellent in quality. If you already a PMP the Agile PrepCast also gives you 37 PMP PDU for my PMP re-certification as a bonus! Agile Prep Cast: 
For full Details and registration just click on the following image:

Streamline your studies. Focus on what matters. Get exam ready with our proven approach.

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Facebook Group of Experts & Aspirants

Our supportive online community is the best place to connect with others just like you.

Step 4: Finalize your preparation: Utilize a professional online Exam simulator. Analyze and enhance your results. Use flashcards and study tables, review your notes from class, and take lots of practice exams.

Practice, practice, practice – practice is the key!

We can’t underline that more! And we would recommend NOT ONLY doing as much sample questions as you can, cause practice is the key!

A large number of free PMI-ACP Exam sample questions are available from a variety of resources on the internet. Free questions are a good place to start, but will only go so far for you. You will also want to subscribe to an online PMI-ACP Exam Simulator in order to access the highest quality of sample questions.

Your study plan must include answering as many practice questions as possible and taking several complete 120-question practice exams. This type of preparation will allow you to evaluate your study progress and prepare you for the format of the real thing. You will be nervous on exam day, but being familiar with the types and formats of questions will help reduce anxiety and prepare you for success.

☛ Recommended Simulator for ACP-ExamACP Exam Simulator

You may try it for free: ☛ FREE ACP Simulator

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LinkedIn ACP Group

Our supportive online community is the best place to connect with others just like you.

Step 5. Take and pass the PMI﹣ACP Exam!

Manage your time and confidence during the exam.

Managing your time and confidence during the exam gives you the best chance to succeed. Don’t spend too much time on any one question. We recommend spending no more than 30 seconds on a question during the first round and marking any for review that takes longer to complete.

When you’ve completed your first round, you can then go back and spend more time on the marked questions. Give yourself a minute for these, and then as a final pass, take your best guess or employ some kind of strategy (like putting all answers as B or C) on any that are still blank.

Never leave a question blank. There’s no penalty for guessing, but any blank question is 100 percent wrong.

There are several strategies you can use to manage your confidence. Remember to smile, as it will encourage you to relax, and take short mental breaks with the time you save using your time management strategy. Remember not to get stressed out if there’s a one really hard question. It could be one of the pretest questions. Just mark it and move on.


We hope that by following these tips and tricks, you will be able to obtain your PMI-ACP® certification. Passing this exam helps you clear a large hurdle and shows your competence and commitment to agile project management methodologies!

In conclusion: preparing to pass the PMI-ACP Exam can be a stressful process, but it does not have to be. Include these seven items in your studies and you will reduce anxiety and exam day stress

Good Luck!

Do you have any other concerns going into your PMI-ACP® exam? If you’ve passed the exam, what other tips have you found useful? Please let us know in the comments.

PMI, PMP, CAPM, and PMBOK are registered marks of the Project Management Institute, Inc.

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